Well, I made it safe and sound. Had an easy flight, got some sleep, and pulled into Heathrow Airport at 7:40 local time this morning. I took the shuttle over to the Delta terminal to wait for the rest of the group, and had a leisurely breakfast, reading a book on my iPad. The Minnesota flight arrived around 1:30, and then we hopped on a bus and rode over to Regents College, where we will be staying for the first two weeks. After moving into our rooms and getting a brief orientation and tour of the building, we embarked on a lengthy walk that eventually brought us to the Italian restaurant where we had a delicious 3-course dinner -- by that time I was starving. We then hopped on the tube and rode back to Regents, and now we're just hanging out in the lounge, getting the wireless network configured on our computers, and checking in on life back home.
Class tomorrow starts at 9 AM, and will go till 11. We will then have lunch and go on a short sight-seeing bus tour. I will try to take lots of pictures and upload them tomorrow night. Then tomorrow night we see our first play, War Horse, which is supposed to be incredible (you can check out a background of the show here). I am very excited, and will let you all know what I think of it tomorrow night.
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